Managing remote teams effectively
Remote working is pretty clearly the way forward for many of us. Even once we’re fully re-opened — and as we record this, many countries are still struggling — people and companies have discovered the benefits of working from home. It’s not right for everyone, obviously. But it’s right for a lot of us. And managing remote teams effectively will be a critical skill for leaders everywhere.
Lukasz Szyrmer is the author of Align Remotely: How to Achieve Together, When Everyone is Working From Home. He’s also host of the podcast Managing Remote Teams. In addition to his own years of experience managing remote work, he’s interviewed experts from across the globe. Luke’s goal is to help teams thrive and achieve more together when working remotely. Let’s find out how he does that, and how we can all be better leaders of our far-flung crews.

We talk about:
- Giving people autonomy rather than worrying about the hours they work
- Helping your team work smarter by judiciously using rest
- Creating an “operational heartbeat”
- Setting teams up for alignment and keeping them on track
- Holding better meetings for Zoom-fatigued remote workers.
- The new LeanPub publishing model to engage readers with the process, not just the end result.
Episode Notes
Luke’s links:
Stuff we talk about:
- IdeaBoardz whiteboarding
- Miro whiteboarding
- Mural whiteboarding
- David Mastronardi, CEO of Gamestorming Group
- Jonathan Raymond, founder of Reffound
- The Pomodoro Technique time management method
- LeanPub
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Music: Happy Theme by maxmakessounds and Atrium Loop by dpren used under standard Creative Commons attribution license: