
Category Archives: Children

Schools in 2020: Education during a pandemic

Remote learning? Budget cuts? How are our schools coping? Linda Greenberg lives at the nexus of parents, teachers and administrators. As head of the Santa Monica Education Foundation, she hears both the complaints and the solutions — while her nonprofit raises millions of dollars to

Board games to beat boredom

As this quarantine has dragggggged on, our family is always looking for new board games to keep us entertained. Even though our kiddo is only five, he is thankfully long past Candy Land. The best thing about kid’s board games is that they don’t all

Artist Wendy MacNaughton is holding free art classes online

You’ve seen Wendy’s fantastic illustrations in Samin Nosrat’s “Salt, Fat, Acid, Heat”, and many, many, many other places. And this crazily talented woman is also — it turns out — a funny, engaging host of a series of “Drawing Classes for Kids of All Ages”

Special free arts programs from UCLArts & Healing

Our friends at UCLArts & Healing are offering a free, online series called HOPE (Healing Online for People Everywhere) to enable our global community to build resilience through the arts over the next few months. Ping Ho, founder and director of this highly respected training