David Hockney at Home: A Narrative
This isn’t my standard interview-style podcast. Instead, it’s an affectionate account of the 83-year-old David Hockney, whom writer Barbara Isenberg interviewed in late 2020. Barbara graciously gave me permission to share the story with you.
Neither age nor the pandemic have slowed Hockney down. The master uses current technology alongside more traditional materials to remain productive and enthusiastic about his work, under lockdown at home.
Just as I hope you can be.

Thanks so much for listening. And please email me at josh@worklifeathome.com if you enjoy this and would like to hear more of these short narrative pieces.
Music for the episode includes two little piano variations by DJ Griffin.
Episode Notes
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Music: Happy Theme by maxmakessounds and Atrium Loop by dpren used under standard Creative Commons attribution license: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/