Special free arts programs from UCLArts & Healing
Our friends at UCLArts & Healing are offering a free, online series called HOPE (Healing Online for People Everywhere) to enable our global community to build resilience through the arts over the next few months.

Ping Ho, founder and director of this highly respected training program for education and health professionals writes:
“As the grandparent of two young children sheltering with us at home during this time of upheaval, I can imagine what many families are going through. It takes four adults on rotation in our home to take care of two children, feed the family, and enable each adult to work. There are times when it seems as if our granddaughters’ singular goal is to get under one another’s skin. Thankfully, I have found that pushing and shoving can become hugging and loving when making art together for one another.
“From balcony singing in Italy and China to my neighbors coalescing in their own driveways to celebrate birthdays on the block with musical instruments and other noisemakers, many of us have learned firsthand—in these past few weeks—just how vital the arts are for connection and resilience. In light of this, we will also be offering inaugural online versions of our popular training in Social Emotional Arts on a Shoestring as well as our popular workshop on Creative Rituals for Processing Grief and Celebrating Life. Stay tuned.”